ADHD and Dyslexia symptoms and diagonisis

“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral condition characterized by patterns of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity”.

“Dyslexia is a brain-based specific learning disability (LD). It affects a person’s language ability, making it difficult to learn to read, spell, decode, and recognize words”.

These two neuro developmental diseases are related to each other. Some factors which are common in ADHD and  dyslexia are 

Distraction: In both the disorders the patient easily gets distracted but the reasons may differ in these two diseases. In ADHD they get distracted due to lack of attention. On the other hand, dyslexia patients seem to be distracted in the time of reading, they could not focus easily. 

Fluency: In case of ADHD usually they left or skip the ending part because of the fast brain which runs for the next part. In Dyslexia they take a long time to pronounce each word and read it incorrectly.

Writing: In case of ADHD might have issues with organisation and proofreading. While dyslexia has a problem with spellings, grammar and organised ideas.

Key points to diagnosis Adhd and Dyslexia

  • ADHD can be identified by neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. It needs a profession assessment and functional test to identify the disorders
  • Dyslexia can be identified by the educators and they may refer to doctors. Apart from that it can be detected by the school psychologist or neuropsychologist. 
  • Several dyslexia patients have mild to severe symptoms, same as with ADHD. It is also a significant point that no two people have exactly the same symptoms to show. 

ADHD  and Dyslexia are considered under neurological conditions that might be discovered together. This leads to various kinds of complications which affect the academic career, behaviour and social communication.The psychotherapist of Institute of Neuro Development deals with all kinds of neuro-behaviour disorder. 

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