School Awareness Program

School Awareness Program

The purpose of the awareness program is to:

  • To promote children’s rights. 
  • To promote awareness of child abuse
  • Providing children with the knowledge and skills to recognize and report abuse and other infringements
  • To help learners understand and recognize the difference between safe and unsafe situations.

It provides learners with the tools and processes they need to report unsafe situations. Educate learners with skills that can be used later in life to ensure safety. Listening to learners and creating a platform they feel they have heard. It is important for us in the classroom to be aware of autism and how it affects individuals who may be in our facilities and classrooms.

In recent years, more and more studies have found that young people have been suspended and expelled from our community. This may be due to a lack of understanding. According to data obtained from the National Autistic Society website, 17% of children were absent from school, 48% were suspended more than 3-4 times, and 4% were expelled from school.

Why is this?

Employees are not familiar with how autism manifests, so why not misunderstand what they are facing in the setting as behavior and look through the autism lens? Without understanding, autistic children and adolescents are at risk of being isolated both in the classroom and in our community and unable to reach their full potential as adolescents.

Autism awareness is important for all of us to embrace the strengths of each individual who teaches, teaches, works together, or teaches. When we have this knowledge, we can open up a wealth of learning opportunities for people with and without autism.

  • Create a culture and spirit that accepts autism. Administrators should ensure that autism is seen as a difference rather than a deficit, and set an example and guide if they want to change their attitude.
  • Staff training
  • Celebrate Peer’s Education and Awareness, Autism Awareness Week, and focus on accepting differences and seeing them as positive.
  • Children and adolescents with autism need to feel that they can be themselves and express their individuality in an environment that accepts differences. We must give them the opportunity to comment on various issues and gain the support and understanding of those around them.
  • Environmental development
  • Incorporate policies and practices and implement current legislation
  • Flexible delivery and support, proper curriculum coordination, support and environment to reflect needs.
  • Deepening knowledge and understanding is just the tip of the iceberg to help staff more safely support autistic children and adolescents in the environment.
  • Children will be accepted, part of the environment, the entire community will be accepted and empowered, and will embrace this growing group. person’s.
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