Tips and information for parenting special child

In the time of pregnancy the baby’s brain starts developing till adulthood. It needs a strong foundation and fundamental nutrition. The brain is made up of several different  cells and neurons. These neurons communicate with each other by passing tiny chemical messages called synapses. Moreover, 50 million children have developmental challenges such as autism, intellectual disability and speech disorder. Parents and caregivers provide a healthy and safety environment and tries to transmit the  basic cultural values to them. Caregivers provide guidance, encouragement, and love to the children to overcome the developmental challenges. Parenting a special child requires many kinds of assessment and clinical trials. Some of them are briefly discussed below. 


According to the World Health Organisation(WHO), it has also developed a Caregiver Skills Training for the families of the disabled. It also includes consultation and feedback from the experts. This program adapts the family approach and it is delivered by a non-specialist such as nurse, community based worker who are considered as a part of the health care, education and social service for children and their family. It consists of nine group sessions and three personal visits at home. The major focus is on caregiver training and everyday activity of specifically addressing the issues of communication, engagement and behavioural practice. 


is a clinical rated tool used to evaluate the psychosocial functioning of children. Utilising the available information a score level is maintained.However, the range starts with 1 (most lowest level) to 100(best level of functioning). In case of lowest score in psychosocial functioning remains at home, school and peers. Every 10 points interval a specific level of functioning involved such as matching behaviour and life situation  appropriate for children. These clinical tools are also available in the Institute of Neuro Development. Kolkata’s psychologist help to provide you a better life and a better mind.


Parenting takes many different forms. Positive parenting practice works well across diverse families and diverse settings when providing the care that a children acquires to be happy and healthy.Parents who use these practices can help their child stay healthy, be safe, and be successful in many areas—emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and social. Many skills of a caregiver should be ideally followed that are communication skills, physical strength and stamina, problem solving skills, patience and compassion.

Apart from the caregiver assessment in neuro paediatric service it depends on various factors such as cooperation with social and educational service. In addition, clinical psychology should be vigilant in including caregiver decision making and in discussing the possibilities.A good psychologist always tries to create a better future with innovative tools and assessment.   

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