Hearing Test

The Visually Enhanced Hearing Test (VRA) is typically used for hearing tests in children from about 6 months to 2.5 years of age.

During the test, the child sits on his lap or in a chair while the sound is ringing. Babies are taught to associate sound with visual rewards.

When your child is able to match the sound with the visual reward, the volume and pitch of the sound will change to determine the softest sound your child can hear.

Play Audiometry

Hearing tests for games can be performed on infants between the ages of 1.5 and 5. During the test, the sound is played through headphones or speakers and the child is asked to perform a simple task when he hears the sound. This can range from throwing a ball into a bucket to solving a puzzle.

Similar to VRA, you can change the volume and pitch of the sound to find the softest sound your child can hear.

Pure tone hearing test

Older children may have a test called a pure tone hearing test. This is a commonly used test to check a child’s hearing before going to school, sometimes called a “sweep test”. This is similar to the hearing test that an adult may have.

In pure tone audiometry, the device produces sounds of varying volumes and frequencies. The sound is played on headphones and the child is asked to respond by pressing a button when he hears it.

By changing the volume, the tester can identify the quietest sound a child can hear.

Bone conduction test

In addition to using speakers and headphones, most of the above tests can also be performed using a small vibrating device located behind the ear.  This device transmits sound directly from the bones of the head to the inner ear. This helps determine which parts of the ear are not functioning properly when the child is deaf.


Tympanometry is a test to assess the flexibility of the eardrum.

To hear well, the eardrum must be flexible enough to pass through the sound. If the eardrum is too stiff (for example, because of the liquid behind it (sticky ears)), the sound will bounce off the eardrum instead of passing through it.

During the test, a soft rubber tube is placed at the entrance of the child’s ear. Gently blow air into the tube and make a sound from a small speaker inside. The tube then measures the sound of the bounce from the ear.

Causes of hearing issues in infants and children

There are some of motives why an infant may also have a listening to trouble, inclusive of transient listening to loss from a not unusual place infection along with a not unusual place cold.

Some viable reasons of listening to loss that can be detected all through recurring assessments include:

  • Glue ear – a build-up of fluid within side the center ear, that’s not unusual place in younger children
  • Infections that expand within side the womb or at start, along with rubella (German measles) or cytomegalovirus, that can motive innovative listening to loss
  • Inherited situations which prevent the ears or nerves from running properly
  • Harm to the cochlear or auditory nerves (which transmit listening to indicators to the brain); this can be due to an intense head injury, publicity to loud noise or head surgery, for example
  • Being starved of oxygen at start
  • Ailments along with meningitis and encephalitis (which each contain swelling within side the brain)

Spotting symptoms and symptoms of a listening to trouble

Although your infant can be presented recurring listening to assessments as they develop up, it`s nevertheless essential so as to appearance out for symptoms and symptoms of any issues and are seeking for recommendation when you have any concerns.

For infants, the tick list for your baby’s private infant fitness record (crimson book) may be used that will help you test your infant’s listening to as they develop up.

In older children, symptoms and symptoms of a likely listening to trouble can include:

  • inattentiveness or bad concentration
  • now no longer responding whilst their call is called
  • speaking loudly and paying attention to the tv at a excessive volume
  • trouble pinpointing wherein a valid is coming from
  • mispronouncing words
  • An alternate of their development at school
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