Modified Checklist for Autism (M-Chat)


The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers M-Chat is a screening questionnaire specific for Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD). It is one of the measure that American Academy of Pediatric recommends to be used for all children ranging from 18 month - 24 months.

The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers M-Chat is a screening questionnaire specific for Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD). It is one of the measure that American Academy of Paediatric recommends to be used for all children ranging from 18 months – 24 months.

  • This test is conducted only in offline mode.
  • There is no such particular preparation/condition required for this test.
  • Time duration of the test depends on 
  • Age of the Patient
  • Past record of the Patient
  • On an average, 1.5 hrs is required for assessment.
  • Minimum 10 days is required to generate the report.
  • Delivery of report is both available in online and offline mode.
  • Report format is provided in PDF format for online collection.
  • Online reports would be shared through Email and WhatsApp.
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